Video Lab
Video Lab
Whether you are starting a new chapter or revising an old one, MHS’s video lectures are designed to match your unique skill set. It’s simply magical.
At MHS, you have the flexibility to learn at your own pace and time, and your preparation is made much easier through our comprehensive video lectures. Each video lecture is based on a concept, which is a fundamental part of a chapter. This means that if you need to go through a specific concept, you can simply watch the corresponding video for that concept, instead of wasting your time watching the video for the entire chapter.
Science and Maths video lectures have in-depth explanations as well as some animations to help you understand and learn the details of every subject. For instance, watching a 3-D animation of the respiratory system certainly makes learning about it much easier and fun.
Our video lectures are prepared by leading teachers in the field of Science and Maths. We have a repository of more than 1000 hours of video lectures which cover an optimal amount of every concept in your syllabus. Our video lectures focus only on what is included in your syllabus, and not on unrequired topics. This significantly cuts down on the time and effort you put into learning theory.
Also, the video lectures are arranged at a concept level, so you don’t have to spend unnecessary time to go through the entire chapter when all you want is to focus on a single concept.