Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Mathematics (IOQM) is a combined exam for first and second rounds of International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). Due to Covid-19 the first two stages/rounds were organised in joint manner as IOQM. IOQM is conducted by the Mathematics Teachers’ Association.
Our 4 students cleared this exam and are eligible for the next stage Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO). There are total 5 selections from Sikar and out of these 5 students 4 are from Matrix. Once again, the highest and first time in Sikar.
Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Junior Sciences (IOQJS) is a combined exam of first two stages/rounds (NSEJS & INJSO) of International Junior Science Olympiad (IJSO) the first and second stages were organised in a joint manner due to Covid-19. IOQJS is conducted by Physics Teachers’ Association.
Our 1 student cleared this prestigious exam.