Cancellation and Refund
Cancellation and Refund
If a student wants to withdraw his/her admission from the institute, the refund rules and policy structure are given below:
Admission, Refund & Scholarship Policy:
Check the refund rules hereNote*: There will be no refund for the administration fee.
Privacy Policy
Ensuring the privacy of our valued visitors is important to us. We firmly believe that the personal information of our visitors should not be shared with any third party without their prior consent or request. Privacy is an individual's right, and at Matrix High School, we respect that. Visitor information such as contact numbers, emails, and addresses is strictly used for internal purposes and not for sale. Your contact details are stored securely in our database and are only used to update you on the status of your registration and to share news and updates during your stay with us. We strongly oppose the unauthorized access, misuse, or disclosure of visitors' personal information, and we have implemented strict guidelines and high-security features to prevent such occurrences. Any updates to our 'Privacy Policy' will be posted on this website.
Secure Online Payments
Visitors to this website should be aware that any personal information submitted, such as your name and email address, may be stored by us and could potentially appear on the website. Additionally, like many other platforms, our server log files collect general information such as the visitor's IP address and cookies. For secure financial transactions made via credit card, Matrix JEE Academy utilizes a third-party secure payment gateway provided by "PayU." It's important to note that credit card details are not stored by us; instead, Matrix High School’s information is securely stored and encrypted with Visa/MasterCard.
E-mail us for any query: