Key features of MATRIX System: Managed by top IITians with international experience Pool of 100+ qualified and experienced faculties Individual student counselling and guidance Individual doubt solution counters Video lectures of key subjects for revision Video solutions of advanced study material Online testing and in-depth analysis Best result in Sikar Preparation of Advanced competitions Compulsory Pre-foundation program

MHS-SAT is MHS Scholarship & Admission test that students have to take if they wish to avail scholarships at Matrix High School (Residential Campus), Bikaner Bypass Road, Near Gokulpura.

Matrix Scholarship & Admission Test: 2025

Date of next M-SAT Exams:


  1. Registration fee for MHS-SAT is INR 200. The payment can be made online at the time of registration.

Please provide following details to register for MHS-SAT

Note: * marked fields are mandatory

Matrix High School